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Development progress – April

April is coming to an end and we’ve received some great feedback from our amazing users! Most of the development this month has focused on realizing some of these great ideas.

  • This first one is a bit embarrassing. For as long as ticketeer has been around it has never been possible to remove a board. This is now finally possible from the board settings dialogue as long as you are the owner/creator of the board.
  • We’ve added an extra link to board settings under the board users menu in order to make it easier to find how to invite users to a board.
  • The need to press a button in order to save your task description has been removed. You can still save using the button but the description will also save as soon as you click outside the field.
  • And last but not least we got a request for a feature to mail in tasks to a board. We’d like ticketeer to be a platform that you would prefer over mail when adding tasks. However, if you have a board where you handle input from a lot of people that don’t need to or should see the entire board this could be of great help.
    This feature is now live and you can activate it from the integrations dialogue. We have yet to build support for attachments but we hope to be done with that aswell before April ends.

Planned development

The features above are all user request that’s been keeping us busy this month but we’ve also managed to put some effort into our own planed features. One being this blog where we intend to spread all kinds of knowledge about ticketeer, project management and beyond.

We’re also working on a board summary where you can see all kinds of statistics and reports from the board. If everything goes as planned it will be ready some time mid to late May.