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Templating tasks for efficiency and quality

If your projects consist of tasks that are similar or the same work has to be repeated, task templates could be of great help. Ticketeer previously offered ways to save, load and edit task templates. However; in order to keep the interface clean, this same functionality is now achieved by simply duplicating tasks.

When duplicating a task (upper left corner in the task details view) the general data of the task is copied into a new task. The general data includes title, description, check boxes w. effort, budget, tags, due date, priority and responsible.
Data that’s commonly unique to a task is left out in the new task. That includes checkbox status (all check boxes copied are unchecked), comments, attachments and timers.

Hints when templating tasks

Invest the potential time saved into specification. When making template tasks you are wise to put some extra effort into detailing the task, as you only need to do it once it could be worth investing some extra thought into it. A good set of check boxes with accurate effort estimates and a budget will help the project on many levels. After that you will be able to dish out multiple well specified tasks in no time.

Identify similarities and routines. Even if your tasks are not identical – try to identify what parts are. You can save time by identifying steps you always take or should take. For example adding quality checks to the check list that should be done before finishing up a task. This way you will have a good starting point when making new tasks.

Organize your template tasks. It could be hard to find that great task you want to duplicate if it’s running wild in the board. Keep a library of template tasks in the left column of your board; preferably under a suitably named divider, and you’ll always know where to find them.

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